UCLA Travel Study Scholarship

The UCLA Travel Study Scholarship is designed for students who want to engage with their program and highlight their experience abroad to others through content creation and on campus service hours. Finalists will be contacted for an interview. Make sure your resume is uploaded in the general application. (Note: UCEAP and GIP participants are not eligible for this scholarship). See Eligibility Criteria.

Note: IEO strives to provide scholarship funds broadly to assist the maximum number of applicants. As such, multiple awards per applicant are unlikely.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Which Travel Study Program are you enrolled in? (Please note: only confirmed students who have paid the deposit will be considered for this scholarship. UCEAP and GIP participants are not eligible)
  2. What leadership qualities do you have? Give specific examples of times when you successfully utilized these qualities. (200 words)
  3. Why did you select your specific program and host location? Please provide details. (150 words)
  4. Travel Study program ambassadors will be successful at the following: social media and digital content creation, public speaking and event outreach, networking with diverse populations, working independently, and demonstrate creativity. Please describe your past experience engaging in similar tasks and how you are uniquely qualified to be a Travel Study Ambassador. (200 words)
  5. Please provide up to 3 examples of supplemental materials for content review (e.g. mock social media posts, videos, photos, websites, etc) that you think demonstrate your ability to satisfy the responsibilities of this position. All materials must be provided in publicly accessible manner (no links to personal accounts can be reviewed). We recommend creating a UCLA Box or Dropbox folder that is publicly available with sample content in Word, PowerPoint, or PDF format. Video files or links to public materials (YouTube/Vimeo videos, a website you designed, etc.) are also acceptable. Note that sharing inaccessible materials may impact your consideration for the scholarship as material quality and creativity are taken into account.
    • Link 1
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