UCLA Faculty Women's Club Endowed Scholarship

The UCLA Faculty Women’s Club (FWC) Scholarships were established in 1970 by the FWC to support achievement scholarships and fellowships for UCLA students on the basis of merit and/or need. The application cycle takes place each spring for the following academic year and is open to students who meet all the following requirements:

  • Are continuing students of any gender
  • Have a G.P.A. of 3.5 or above
  • Will be enrolled full time, in each quarter of the following academic year
  • For undergraduates, will be juniors or seniors, in the following academic year, and have completed at least one full year of enrollment at UCLA (Clarification: Not admitted the previous fall)
  • For graduate students, may begin applying at the end of their first year, and each year thereafter, prior to graduation

Please address the following points in your response to the application questions. The FWC is committed to awarding students who meet at least one, but preferably as many as possible, of these criteria:

  • Demonstrated high academic standing while undertaking a vigorous course load
  • Demonstrated focus and passion towards educational and professional goals
  • Explanation, if applicable, of how a different path was taken to reach personal goals

Applicants are also strongly encouraged to cite their accomplishments in any of the following areas:

  • Employment/internships
  • Community service and extracurricular activities
  • Awards/honors
  • Potential Career Plans
  • Publications, when applicable, but most strongly for graduate and professional students

Note: While most of the bullets above are optional on the general application, please consider them required for the FWC applications.

If you are a spouse or direct descendant of a current or retired UCLA faculty or staff, we encourage you to also complete the Sonya “Sonny” & Adrian Harris Faculty Women’s Club Scholarship application. Applicants should self-identify on the general application and FWC applications as a descendant/spouse of a current/retired UCLA faculty/staff member and state the name, relationship, and approximate dates of employment and/or retirement of the corresponding employee.

Note: Successful applicants are asked to attend the FWC Scholarship Dinner honoring them, held in February of the upcoming year.

up to $3000
Supplemental Questions
  1. UNOFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT: Please upload your UCLA unofficial transcript.
  2. CV/RESUME: Please provide a CV or Resume.
  3. Please share your personal and professional goals. Additionally, describe any further factors and/or information you would like for the selection committee to know about you. This may include family obligations, extenuating circumstances, or extraordinary experiences during your academic career.
  4. LETTER OF REFERENCE: Provide a letter of support from a UCLA faculty member