Dr. Sigmund and Hermine Frey Scholarship Fund

The Dr. Sigmund and Hermine Frey Scholarship Fund supports undergraduate research projects, internships, service programs, or language study in any field of Jewish Studies, with priority given to projects with a connection to civic engagement and/or social ethics.

Supplemental Questions
  1. I will be registered as a full time student at UCLA during the following quarters (check all that apply)
  2. Recommendations/References
    • Is recommending professor #1 part of your doctoral committee?
    • Is recommending professor #2 part of your doctoral committee?
    • Name of recommending professor #1
    • Name of recommending professor #2
    • Recommending professor #1 email address
    • Recommending professor #1 home department
    • Recommending professor #2 email address
    • Recommending professor #2 home department
  3. Project/Conference in Jewish Studies
    • A. Is your project/conference related to Jewish Studies?
    • B. Title of project/conference
    • C. 2 sentence summary of project (example: traveling to "x" conference to present "y" paper)
    • D. Detailed project description and how it ties to Jewish Studies
  4. Budget
    • Application fees (if applicable)
    • Cost of books, supplies and/or equipment (if applicable)
    • Cost of conference registration fees (if applicable)
    • Cost of travel/lodging/meals (if applicable)
    • List other sources of funding including other grants (at the Leve Center and elsewhere). Please designate source and amount of funding.
    • Membership Dues (name of organization, dollar amount)
    • Other expense(s) (description and amount, if applicable)