Carolyn D. Smith Graduate Scholarship

For full-time UCLA graduate students intending to become a teacher at any level, for any subject and in any geographical area, the Carolyn D. Smith Graduate Scholarship was established in 2022 to provide scholarship support. Other factors to be considered include scholarly achievement; monetary need; participation in school activities such as student government, sports, clubs and service to the school staff or student body; community service and overcoming a disability or illness to achieve scholarship and provide service and leadership.

The Carolyn D. Smith Graduate Scholarship covers one quarter’s enrollment and tuition fees, all laboratory fees, and all assigned textbooks for that quarter.

Because the Carolyn D. Smith Graduate Scholarship covers enrollment and tuition fees, awardees of the scholarship may not engage in any academic apprenticeship (Teaching Assistant, Teaching Associate, Teaching Fellow, Departmental Scholar, Graduate Student Researcher) or other position that provides full or partial coverage of the recipient’s UCLA tuition during the term of the Carolyn D. Smith Graduate Scholarship. Carolyn D. Smith Graduate Scholarship awardees may work for UCLA as long as the position does not involve full or partial coverage of the recipient’s UCLA tuition during the term of the scholarship. The UCLA Center for Scholarships and Scholar Enrichment, which administers the Carolyn D. Smith Graduate Scholarship, will advise recipients of opportunities to pursue such work at UCLA, but there is no requirement to do so. Applicants will be awarded solely on the basis of their qualifications for the scholarship, as expressed in the initial scholarship description above.


One quarter's enrollment and tuition fees, laboratory fees and assigned textbook costs; Notification by May 31
Supplemental Questions
  1. What is the nature of your commitment to teaching and how have you demonstrated that so far? What are your goals as an educator and how do you plan to accomplish those?
  2. Please upload a CV that includes along with teaching accomplishments your most significant scholarly achievements to date, such as publications in peer-reviewed journals, papers given at academic conferences and academic awards.
  3. Monetary Need
    • Do you have any further comment on monetary need beyond that documented by the FAFSA or Dream Act Application? If so, please summarize briefly.
    • Have you filed the FAFSA or Dream Act Application for the upcoming academic year and made it available to UCLA?
  4. Do you participate in any extracurricular UCLA activities such as student government, sports, clubs and/or service to the UCLA staff or student body? If so, please describe those activities. Are you interested in new opportunities for paid service to the UCLA staff and student body if selected as a Carolyn D. Smith Graduate Scholar?
  5. Do you participate in community service activities? Please describe that service if so.
  6. Would you like to share any obstacle(s) that you have overcome in the course of your scholarly, community service and/or other leadership activities? Please describe that overcoming if so.
  7. LETTER OF REFERENCE: Please provide the name and email of someone who can speak to your commitment to teaching and provide a letter of reference on your behalf. Be sure to obtain permission from your recommender before submitting their name and email address. Your recommender will automatically receive a link prompting them to upload the recommendation via the UCLA Scholarship Portal. In case of issues, please contact Mac Harris of the UCLA Center for Scholarships and Scholar Enrichment at
  8. Please provide the best cell phone number (nine digits with no dashes, spaces or parentheses) for the UCLA Center for Scholarships & Scholar Enrichment to contact you regarding your scholarship if necessary.
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