Arianna & Hannah Yellowthunder Scholarship in American Indian Studies

The Arianna & Hannah Yellowthunder Scholarship in American Indian Studies was established in 1986 to award scholarships to qualifying undergraduate junior and senior level students enrolled in Division of Social Science. Recipient must be in good academic standing. Preference will be given to students of American Indian descent.(Students are not required to be from a federally recognized tribe, but should include documentation in their general application, if available.)

  • Must be a UCLA student during the 2024-25 academic year
  • Student must be an American Indian Studies Major, Minor or a Master’s degree student Or student must have proof of American Indian ancestry/lineal descent
  • Undergraduates must have 90 units or more during the award year.
  • Must be planning to enter a career emphasizing the history and culture of the American Indian at the time of the scholarship award and demonstrate evidence of financial need
  • Must be in good academic standing

Supplemental Questions
  1. List of Activities (Students organizations, community activities, etc.)
  2. Other information related to your achievements
  3. Statement of Educational Goals *200 word max
  4. Do you have any other financial obligations or liabilities? If so, explain:
  5. Other Fellowships or Financial Aid (federal, state, tribal, etc.):
  6. Unofficial transcript of record from UCLA
  7. Academic Financial Aid Summary (eFan)
  8. First Letter of Support (at least 1 professor and community member)
  9. Second Letter of Support (at least 1 professor and community member)
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