Barouh-Siegel Memorial Scholarship

The Barouh-Siegel Memorial Scholarship supports international students attending UCLA, with a preference for students from Africa, majoring in fields related to interracial relations. Mr. Barouh and Ms. Siegel were Freedom Riders in 1961. Mr. Barouh died when returning to the university in an airline crash.

The 1961 Freedom Rides sought to protest a 1960 decision by the Supreme Court in Boynton v. Virginia that segregation of interstate transportation facilities, including bus terminals, was unconstitutional. A big difference between the 1947 Journey of Reconciliation and the 1961 Freedom Rides was the inclusion of women in the later initiative. The group faced intimidation, beatings, arrests, firebombing and other forms of violence as part of their protest throughout the South.

UCLA honored their alumni who participated in the Freedom Riders in 2015.

Note: UCLA administers all identity-conscious financial aid and scholarships in compliance with federal, state, and university regulations by using a “pool and match” application process for unrestricted awards, identity-conscious awards, and other restricted awards (major, need, community service, etc.). Identity-conscious awards may include a preference for a student’s race, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, color, ethnicity, or national origin. The pooled application process allows students to submit a single “general” application to be considered for multiple scholarships, and are used in determining the source of a recipient’s aid, but NOT their eligibility, receipt, or amount of financial aid.
