Taiwan Studies Undergraduate Summer Research Fellowship

The Asia Pacific Center offers summer stipends (up to $5,000) to UCLA undergraduate students to pursue an individual research project related to Taiwan studies. Students must have a faculty mentor and may conduct research either as part of their degree program or as an independent study. They will be required to submit a final paper or project report.

Application materials include:

  • proposal of 2–3 pages in length;
  • unofficial UCLA transcript (minimum GPA of 3.0 required);
  • CV;
  • budget;
  • one letter of recommendation from your faculty mentor

Up to $5,000
Supplemental Questions
  1. Project Name
  2. Proposal
  3. Curriculum Vitae/Resume
  4. Detailed Budget
  5. Total Amount Requested
  6. List of all other grants, fellowships, and funding applied for this purpose
  7. Other funding already secured for this purpose
  8. LETTER OF REFERENCE: Please provide the name and e-mail of a UCLA faculty member who has taught one or more of your academic courses.
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