Louis & Zephyr Stuart Endowed Undergraduate Scholarship

With preference to students of Armenian descent who demonstrate leadership through extracurricular activities at UCLA or in the community, or who demonstrate leadership through other activities, the Louis & Zephyr Stuart Undergraduate Scholarship Endowment was established in 1999 for UCLA College undergraduates with demonstrated financial need. PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS AWARD IS FOR STUDENTS ENROLLING IN AY 2025-26.

The following criteria will be considered in awarding the scholarship.

  1. Students must have demonstrated financial need according to the UCLA Financial Aid and Scholarships Office.
  2. Students must have a grade point average of 3.0 or better.
  3. Preference will be given to students who are of Armenian descent.
  4. Preference will be given to students who display leadership qualities.
    Recipients will be known as Stuart Scholars and are expected to write a letter of thanks to the donor.

$1,200 -- not renewable; notification by May 23, 2025
Supplemental Questions
  1. Initiative and Leadership
    • A) Have you founded any organizations at your high school and/or in your community?
    • B) If you have founded one or more organizations at your high school and/or in your community, please name them and briefly describe your role in founding each one, and the work involved. If you have not, please write 'not applicable.'
    • C) Have you taken a strong leadership role in any organizations that you have joined (but not founded) in your high school and/or community?
    • D) If you have taken a strong leadership role in one or more organizations in your high school and/or community, please name them and briefly describe your leadership role in each one, and the work involved. If you have not, please write 'not applicable.'
  2. Current Extracurricular Activity
    • Are you currently involved in at least one extracurricular activity?
    • If yes, please briefly describe your role(s) and timeline(s) in any current extracurricular activities.
  3. Have you filed the FAFSA or Dream Act Application?
  4. What are your leadership capabilities and how have extracurricular activities or other activities helped you to realize those capabilities? How would this scholarship help you enhance those activities and further develop your leadership capabilities?
  5. Please upload a current resume that focuses on your key extracurricular leadership experiences.
  6. Please write a 150-word bio in third person that focuses on your extracurricular leadership activities during high school and includes a brief statement of current career goals.
  7. LETTER OF REFERENCE: Please provide the name and email of someone (not a peer or family member) who will provide a letter of reference on your behalf that speaks to your leadership experiences and accomplishments. Be sure to obtain permission from your recommender before submitting their name and email address. Your recommender will automatically receive a link prompting them to upload the recommendation via the UCLA Scholarship Portal. In case of issues, contact Mac Harris of the Center for Scholarships and Scholar Enrichment at mharris@college.ucla.edu.
  8. Please provide the best cell phone number (nine digits with no dashes, spaces or parentheses) for the UCLA Center for Scholarships and Scholar Enrichment to contact you regarding your scholarship if necessary.
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